UAE sports arenas busy at night: More than half of residents exercise after iftar.

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Fitness enthusiasts in the UAE are now finding a new trend during the holy month, across the country. Sports arenas are no longer empty at night. Residents are now increasingly stepping out for some physical activity after offering their Taraweeh prayers.

People of all ages can be seen engaging in several forms of exercise late at night – from brisk walking and jogging to playing football and badminton.

A new study by New Balance reveals that nearly 6 out of 10 residents (58 per cent) reported higher energy levels at night during Ramadan, with 55 per cent saying they are most active and opt to exercise after iftar and later into the night.

The study also said that 76 per cent of UAE respondents said they set specific Ramadan fitness goals or resolutions, with two-thirds (67 per cent) saying fasting during Ramadan makes it easier to stick to their fitness routines.

“This practice is in line with the teachings of Islam, which stress the significance of maintaining good health and well-being. Given the extended fasting hours during Ramadan, engaging in physical activity after prayers helps enhance circulation, increasing metabolism, and overall fitness levels,” Siddique added.

Ikrimath and his group actively participate in volleyball as part of their post-Taraweeh routine. They gather regularly to play matches, contributing to their physical well-being. “Engaging in volleyball after prayers not only keeps us fit but also strengthens our bonds as a group. It’s a great way to unwind and rejuvenate after a day of fasting,” said Ikrimath.

Ahmed Falah, a resident of JLT, shared his experience, saying: “After Taraweeh prayers, I feel refreshed and energised, so I utilise this time by going for a run or a jog at Kite Beach. It not only helps me stay fit but also allows me to clear my mind and reflect,” said Falah, a Jordanian working as a marketing executive.

As Ramadan progresses, the enthusiasm for post-Taraweeh physical activities continues to grow, reaffirming the commitment of residents to prioritise their health and well-being.

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