Pathaan director Siddharth Anand is all set to give the audience yet another power-packed action film with Fighter. His collaboration with Shah Rukh Khan did wonders at the box office. His Fighter will feature Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone in the lead for the first time. It will also star Anil Kapoor in a pivotal role. The film has been creating a lot of buzz since its announcement and now sources reveal that the Greek God of Bollywood is all set to shoot one of the most enormous climaxes of his career, and the same goes for the director as well. The team will work with the Oscar-winning VFX team DNEG. They have won multiple awards for their work and last year bagged an Academy Award for the visual effects in Dune. Keep reading to get all the deets.
Media has been religiously following the progress of the film and the shooting schedules as well. After delivering a mammoth blockbuster with SRK, all eyes are on Anand and the expectations for this film are only increasing every day.
As per an exclusive report by Pinkvilla, Hrithik Roshan’s Fighter will have one of the most astounding climaxes, and it’s said to be the biggest highlight of the Siddharth Anand directorial. The source said, “Hrithik Roshan and Siddharth Anand know that the stakes are high with Fighter, and they are set to shoot their biggest climax till date. The team will be shooting for over 120 hours for this action-packed climax scene, which will take about 25 minutes of screen time in the film. The team will be shooting hand-to-hand combats alongside aerial shots for the concluding episode of Fighter. Hrithik, Deepika and Anil will be a part of this epic climax shoot.”
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